September 15, 2014

Microsoft is indeed buying Minecraft

Yes, sadly, it is true.  Microsoft is buying Mojang and Minecraft for the total sum of 2.5 Billion Dollars.  To tell the truth, I am suprised with this, but, as Mojang has proved to us many times, change is scary at first, but eventually, we get used to it.  Lets hope this isn't one of the few times they are wrong.

August 1, 2014

July 26, 2014

Supercraft S3 E1 - Setting up home

Welcome to Season 3 of Supercraft.  As it stands now, Pierre and I have teamed up.  In this base, we work on our house, and I run into a small conflict with my roof design.

April 6, 2014

Status Report 4/6/2014

I am going to Utah for spring break, and as a result, will PROBABLY be inactive for 2-8 days. Wish you all well.


March 6, 2014

Weekly Update - Feb 23 - March 1 - 2014

Supercraft Update: Supercraft has almost been fixed, and is testing for chunk errors.
Servers Mentioned:
MCBestcraft Website:  I.P.
SORB FTB Website:  I.P

My Stuff:
Supercraft Team:

February 21, 2014

Weekly Update: February 21st 2014

Hello Everyone, Spikej555 here!
I have decided to do 'Weekly Updates' instead of posting here and there.

February 14, 2014

This weeks Videos (February 9-15th)

Hey guys! For Tuesday, i wasn't able to release a video due to a bunch of homework.

I tried to release a video yesterday (Thursday the 13th) but it is still uploading.  Just so you know, it is a 1 Hour 12 Minute or so MCBC Paintball episode.  For tomorrow I have recorded a fairly short MCBestCraft episode, in which we look at Westown by Dantican.  Lets hope it uploads.
By the way, the video that was supposed to go up yesterday will be up in an 'Estimated 670 Minutes'.

I will link to both videos below
Thursdays Video
Saturdays Video (Unwatchable until 8:30 A.M. Pacific Time)

January 18, 2014

Supercraft Season 2 Episodes 1 and 2

Supercraft Season 2 Episodes 1 and 2 will be released today at 8:30 A.M. Pacific Time. You can view them on this post, or on youtube by Clicking Here.

January 16, 2014

MCBestcraft S2 Ep11

A new MCBestcraft vid coming out 8:30 AM today (Pacific Time) - If you are interested, here is the link (in case you can't find it)


January 13, 2014

Update Notice

1. Supercraft team is no longer exclusive to the supercraft server. We have started playing others such as MCBestcraft and Stevens Freebuild.
2. Supercraft S2 has been launched. Videos should be released soon.
Mineraft With Spike (mine)
Stevens Freebuild

This post is being made on 'Minecraft With Spike' (youtube & website), and 'The Supercraft Website'

January 3, 2014

MCBestCraft Notice

This notice was posted by KillerCyborg on on Tue at 16:56 Server Time

I will be combining the inventories between Terranova and the new world which is 1.7 , but I first need to make sure you all put all your most treasured items in chests , things you don't want to lose.

I'm giving anyone and everyone 2-3 days to do this and if you see anyone who hasn't done so inform them. I will be combining the inventories on Friday 10pm Australian Eastern time. So before then ensure you have done this or else you will lose your items and we will not replace them.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.


If you would like to see the actual post, Click Here.