December 26, 2013

MCBC Paintball - Ep 9

Spike Plays MCBC Paintball - Ep9 - bj45678910 is now out. Click it or watch below

December 24, 2013

Video Posts

Hi guys!  Sorry I haven't been very active on here lately.

I recently hooked up this site so I can post videos and updates directly from my E-Mail. From now on, this is what I will do.

Well, Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

The year is coming to an end, so now, this message to all,

Merry Christmas to All And To All A Good Night!

July 13, 2013

MCBC Update

An Update on Our Progress

CyberSick99 tag posted 2 hours ago
An Update on Our Progress

Hi everyone,

So it has been a while since we started the updates on the server. For anyone who has been around for a while; this is the biggest update we've ever done to the server. Which is one of the main reasons why it's taking us so long to get the server up again. Luckily almost all work is done now and we're just finalizing some things to make sure we don't miss out on any bugs that would ruin one's gameplay. 
The fact that we now have a sort of '3-in-1 Server' makes things more difficult as we're still dealing with 1 website and some plugins that don't support multiple worlds. Luckily we've been able to work around these issues quite well. I'd like to tell everyone who's still on the fence on about all the downtime: this update will blow your mind! If you've played on the server for more then a month you will notice the changes, but for someone who has been a part of the server for a long time it will be simply mind-blowing. This is because for the first time since about 28 months we changed the McBestCraft concept. Not by dumping what we had before but by simply adding to it. Behind the scenes we've tried launching a survival server but this proofed to be easier said then done. Having an extra survival world, though, is certainly manageable and I'm sure that most members would appreciate having the ability to change the way they play on McBestCraft. Sick of just building on your plot? Go to the PvP area, kill some people, blow off some steam and go back to building. 

I've given a general list of changes before so I will not repeat it, just look back at the previous posts I've made. Again I'd like to apologize about the downtime but it's all for a good cause. Another thing I'd like to add is that the maps are way better too. We have some general towns, all original buildings for all our spawns, etc. The first time you join the server you can easily walk around for half an hour just wandering around looking at buildings and sort of getting the story behind certain worlds (especially the survival world). 

Hopefully all of you are looking forward to playing on the server again, donating, voting, whatever it might be.



[No copyright infringment indended. this was copied from for the sole purpose of spreading the word about this post]

June 2, 2013

Join the SF Minecraft Team and Server Today!

On this blog you can not only get updates about Minecraft with Spike but you can ALSO apply for the SF Minecraft Team!  If you're looking for a great team this is the one to join.  Not from Spanish Fork?
No Problem. You can still apply.  Just click this link or the one on the Page gadget ( --> )
We would be glad to have you.

May 25, 2013

Coming Soon from the SF Minecraft Team

Coming soon from Minecraft with Spike is a new Feed The Beast server.
For members of this Minecraft team is a new Feed the Beast server.  After several weeks of adjusting the server to reduce lag it is finally ready for use.  To get permission just apply for the regular server and you will get both IP addresses.  If you are already are a member of the group then check the Skype group for the I.P.

May 21, 2013

First Server Video

When we are writing this our 2nd video is currently uploading.
In this video we introduce the MCBestcraft server and take a tour of my farm and Super-Center Shop.
You can see the video by clicking this link >>>> Spike Plays MCBestcraft - Episode 1 - My Shop

May 18, 2013

First Video

From Minecraft With Spike come our First video.
Click HERE to watch it.

We hope you enjoy


April 20, 2013

Quick Accept

Apply within the next hour and be approved within 30 minutes!